Saturday, May 17, 2008
Free food and the Internet
Friday, May 16, 2008
Quick Lessons of a Traveler
Lesson 1. Always make friends. I was on the plane today and met a man and his wife who were teachers in St. Joe, Missouri at Missouri Western. Small world.
Lesson 2. Always eavesdrop. They started chatting about where they were staying, which was, crazy, the exact destination of myself.
Lesson 3. Be upfront. Right away I asked them if I could follow them to their hotel. This may sound bizarre, but our relationship was developed enough to where anything could be said. I move fast in these walking wise...
Lesson 4. Bring a credit card.
Lesson 5. Have a t-mobile phone. Yes, I have sprint, and while it is great in the Americas, it blows in the UK.
Lesson 6. Make sure you know exactly where you are staying and have confirmation that everything has been paid for. Keep receipts. Ask for every piece of information.
Lesson 7. Build relationships EVERYWHERE you go. Talk to everyone. You may think you are being annoying, but the only way to function in a sole travel is to talk, to eavesdrop, and to stalk.
Lesson 8. Never let someone else make your plans without your knowing the EXACT details.
I got to the Hilton today and I gave the lady at the counter my name. She said, “Emily Camp, ok, can I swipe your credit card.” I said, “I don’t have a credit card. (Mom, I knew you guys should have helped me out with that, for emergencies).” She said, “Well, do you have your confirmation sheet.” I said, “No, what is that and how do I get it?” She said, “Well your dad should have had it and given it to you, or he could fax it. Can you call him?” To which I responded, “My phone doesn’t have any service.” This is when the helping hands of that couple came in handy because the man walked over and said, “What does she need?” The lady said I needed a credit card and a cell phone that functioned. The man gave me his cell phone and I called my dad. Good thing he answered….not.
He called me back though.
Long story short, I’m still not sure what happened. Part of me feels like I may have gotten a free room from the hotel because they felt bad for me. The other part of me wonders if they maybe messed up and my dad was in the right. I am honestly leaning towards the primary. The lady looked at me and saw my utter fear/confusion and said, “Room 140 is on your left. And the bar is straight ahead.”
Flatulence in O'Hare

I kept tooting and this lady behind me was with her husband. I could tell they wanted to get up to leave because of the awful stench but they continued sitting. I heard her voice behind me go, "oo oo." as she would wave her hand back and forth around her nose. She tried playing it off like they didn't know who it was, but let's be honest. We all knew it was me. They were trying to be really secretive and talk about it under their breath. They must have been near sixtie or so years of age. They were this sweet and gentle and kind couple, and I kept stinking up where they were sitting.
I felt soooo guilty. I wanted to apologize so badly, tell her how sorry I am. But it’s like, what can I do? I should have gone to the bathroom, but I was just journaling some really good stuff and couldn't afford to get up in such a providential train of thought. Plus, I didn’t think it would stink so bad. Oo. I feel so guilty.
But what would I have said? "Um excuse me ma'am and was me. I just don't feel too good." (Lie. I felt great.) "Hey guys, I am sorry for stinking up your area..." "Hey, I'm really sorry about that, I'm just super gas-y today...wanna be gas-y friends?"
I mean NOTHING good was coming out of this. And 2, how would they respond in that situation. Any kind of response would be so idiotically awkward. I mean, there was nothing to do but sit and dwell in my S.B.D.'s. Is this disgusting? Whatever. You know you have all done it before, and if you have a kind and honest heart like me, then you want to apologize because you feel deceitful for sitting in silence acting as though it wasn't you.
It’s times like these that I just realize…sometimes it is better to say nothing. I mean, what would I do if someone apologized for making my condensed area smell for about ten minutes straight? I would probably just be like, yeah it’ fine. Even though it wouldn’t have been fine in the moment. It would have been awful. I probably would have just left.
Ok. Ok. Thought---Why didn’t she leave? Did she like the smell?
That’s weird. I don’t know why I am thinking so deeply about this.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
...or maybe they won't....
Addictions Will Die.