it's pretty simple
1+1 always equals two
and twos of two, never more than four
and in the east, the sun also rises,
before it's power nap in the west
it's pretty simple
that a woman and man make children
and that children are always small
that the primary colors aren't purple
and that blue, red, and yellow are the sum of it all
it's pretty simple
that two eyes are necessary
for depth and perception and stuff
sure, one hand does the job some nights...
...but two will build a house...
sure, it's pretty simple.
but then Johnny told me about quantum mechanics
and David about revolutions
and Mary all about Allah
(coincidental I've never thought)
and Joey about delusions
Rob said he only has one eye
And Albert all about genesis
Sophie said something...but I just forgot...
Then Michael drew me to the edge,
where the wild fountains lay
they begin from this hole
under that dead rock
and that dead rock was shaped
like a dragon
Ralph sat me on a hill and had me count the stars,
whispering with angels,
whose feet he says he feels
the clouds dispersed in quiet association,
with something majestic, and was loud...
I saw the first trumpet and that night
it rained lavender
in floods of locusts and hoppers and honeybees
and then I heard that laughter
wondering, who was watching we
we dug a stone and built a hole
and made home awhile with the gas of mustards
pellets of rucus drew tears of sadness and death felt the greatest loss
bodies flew to temperatures of cold I've never known
I tried telling Debbie, "it doesn't fucking matter"
but her face sent shivers of black
up through my fingertipped nail
the spindle of the vine gathered
an unharmonic dare
graves of swallows, cadavers, and lions
lay below the nasty track
a sky said goodbye and left the night whistling
an old plantation tune...
so if it's pretty simple-
how does that excuse?
and if it's pretty simple,
nothing is then new news to you
you say it's pretty simple
and I said "I think I agree"
but if all is so very simple,
how then trite
is posterity.