Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our trip. First post. First disaster.

We have had so many adventures that I haven't been able to post yet, due to monetary struggles and a failing battery. However, Bethany and I are here in Granada at a little pub with free wifi. It's wonderful. 

The first thing went wrong. We just got an email from Kara, our other traveling partner, who was supposed to meet up with us in Granada. We both had phones and computers to contact one another when she arrived here to figure out where to meet one another. Bad situation though. Kara got into Barcelona last night and spent the night at the bus stop. Early in the morning she had her phone, camera, ipod, and laptop stolen from here. We received a frantic email, I don't know how she was able to do that. But she is getting here via bus at 7:45 this evening. We are supposed to meet her at the bus stop at that time. However, it will be late and we don't have a way to contact her. The bus stop is approximately 5km from where we are right now. We don't want her hitching her alone. So, we are walking 5km to the bus stop and hitching with her to the city center where we may or may not have a place to stay. Our friend is not picking up the phone and our computer is about to die. 

Last night, Bethany and I met a guy from Berlin named Jergo and we spent a few hours talking with him. He could speak English. We ended up staying at his flat about 100m away from the pub we are currently stationed. It was a cold night without blankets and sleeping bags. (We dropped our sleeping bags off in Manchester for Ryanair weight purposes-it was a good decision, we promise.) 

Tonight, we hope we can get a hold of Fernando. Or someone. We hope if not him, then we can find another couch surfer that would be willing to house us for the next few days before we meet our friend from L'abri, Sarah, in Malaga. 

I'm concerned for the first time this whole trip. Everything has gone so well. Hitching has been perfect. Couch surfers have been wonderful. Exploration galore. Limited finances. Careless wandering. Perfect.

We hope we can find Kara tonight. A young non-Spanish speaking American girl traveling alone. Es mal. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wore fanny pack (lumbar pack) today.