Sunday, May 25, 2008

Midgets in Yellow Straightjackets

I didn't realize that my biggest threat here would be a killer bee. Yes, I understand it's a little guy in a yellow's dead with a simple hand swap...blah, blah, blah.

But no, it's like a crazy little man in a yellow straight jacket following you around with a rusty old knife attached to his backside. It's NOT nice little bee---it's the psychologically distorted, sword ready midget. I think people thought it was the first burglary of Huemoz, Switzerland when I came running around the house screaming, "He won't leave me alone...ahhh...he's following me...."

These little psycho midgets have the capability of making me, ME, feel insane. Yeah. That's how psychotically manipulative these straight jacket midgets are----they get everyone else to see ME as the creepo. When, let's be honest, they are just suicidal creeps! One sting and they are done...right? Yes. But still, they come to find and scare ME in an effort to just kill themselves? 

Oh, and I'm messed up for running from a midget psychopath? I think not. Who would have thought the suicidal creatures would be so attracted to me. I for sure don't smell like flowers (note to self-see a doctor to figure out odor dysfunction). Maybe that's part of their distortion---they enjoy BO-they LIKE when people are scared. 

They are freaking MADMEN! It's like those pets that love following the person who hates it the most. Or like the little babies that cry and cry until the awkward, incapable fool holds them. Dementia I tell you, and not a mild case either. 

So the question do I get these attachment disorder bees to be scared of ME? Maybe I'll start blowing kisses and run after THEM....mmm no. I could dress up as mama bee and just try to follow them everywhere....mmm no...ok. ok. Idea. Everytime they come after me...I will play dead. So, in that way, to prepare them for the absence of life they will face if they puncture me with their midget butts. Perfect. 

Thought experiment. What if everytime we got angry or upset with someone, we could just turn a "horny" backside on them and injure them with some kind of human butt stinger? It would make life so much easier, and would, perhaps, make girls more assertive...

What's all this mumbo jumbo about anyways? I haven't ever been stung...although they come, they'll never catch me. I'm like a human ginger bread WOman. (knock on wood). 

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