Thursday, May 15, 2008

Addictions Will Die.

Let me just begin this by saying- I have a problem.

physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance, and
unable to stop taking it without incurring adverse effects:
enthusiastically devoted to a particular thing or activity.

I've decided that blogging is humbling. I think that is why everyone should blog. I think everyone needs to post their stupidity via internet, visible to all, in an effort to come to terms with the fact that we are all a bunch of bumbling idiots. We are. Don't argue that. Or you will prove the fact that all humans think that they are so much cooler and more intelligent than they really are.

Maybe the only reason I want to say these things is because I am trying to place myself on an even playing field with man, so that, perhaps, what I am about to confess will not sound too terribly ridiculous or outcast.

I'm addicted. I have an addictive personality, but lets be honest. I think everyone says they have an addictive personality. I hear that all the time. We are all addicts. If it's fun, you keep doing it right? That just makes sense, right. I mean, fun isn't always good...but lets embark on a whole list of cliches while we're at it.

I am physically and mentally dependent on coke. Diet coke. I realized just now that I said coke...and since that is indeed a drug, I realized the irony and sought to replace it. Nope. It's funny. But I meant diet coke, like the soda. Not the diet you think a coke high can give you. That is for sure not what I meant.

This is hard to say, but...I am unable to stop drinking diet coke without incurring adverse effects. Such as: anger, hostility, lying, deceit, and potential crime. Without my diet coke...I am a mess. I drink about 5 a day. Probably. And the thing that sucks is that I make excuses to have it.

"Well it was free."
"Well, it was only a dollar."
"Well, I get six refills for the price of one at Denny's."

Truth be told. I am addicted. I just drank my last soda of American society. No more soda for me! I am traveling and free!

I just thought about that. I did just drink a diet coke. (P.S. The caffeine no longer affects me. I can stay awake for hours after gulping a 44oz.)

But wait, one problem...I get free meals on the plane. Free sodas.

Ok, ok. I will give it up once I get to L'abri.
Friends, family. I just made a promise. 3 weeks. No soda.

Well after this one or two on my way across seas....
Whatever. I need it...I'm scared of flying over the ocean without my friend aspartame...
But then there is always splenda soda...

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