Saturday, May 17, 2008

Free food and the Internet

I get free everything!!! It's wonderful. I have so much to say but time is limited. This morning I left London and got a FREE breakfast voucher because I talked to the lady at the front desk for awhile and she just OFFERED it. It would have cost 15 pounds to eat breakfast. Convert that to American money, and that is 30 dollars. P.S. The American dollar sucks in the UK. 

This is bad. I should be banned from England and Switzerland. I have fallen in love...if you guys don't reach me in 21 days, it's because I left the country and am not coming back. 

Is it bad that the entire plane ride I was thinking of "Into the Wild." Don't tell mom....

Also, this is huge, very important news. 

The world's largest physics laboratory is located in cern, switzerland. It is where the world wide web was born and there is a particle accelerator underground. It is just five minutes from the airport. So, during one of my days off, I plan to go there---speculate, investigate, and create something even better and bigger. You may be asking, "is that possible?" or saying, "that's not possible." But, what did they say to the artist that invented the camera? What did they say to the train before it became a car? What did they say to the house phone before there was cell phone? 

The buck doesn't stop here men and women. I am going to create something even bigger and better. Wait for it. 

1 comment:

Senator in 2024 said...

did you just threaten to not return to the USA?

that is such a typical white thing to do... in fact #75 on the popular blog makes a reference to people threatening to move to Canada. you are pretty much saying the same thing. i'm disappointed, but not surprised.