Sunday, May 18, 2008

How do cows sleep, or even venture to fall asleep with cowbells?!?!

I'm naively bothered by this trait of Switzerland society. I mean, let's get PETA on out here and identify this utter(no pun intended) abuse. How would you feel if you had some kind of chinese torture like constraint to your sleep? It's like everytime you get those hazy eyes of pre-R.E.M. and fix to relocate, you're immediately awoken by a nonsensical bell preventing even the beginning of such. How daringly mischevious these abusive farmers are! They use them to "identify their cows" and "keep track of them in the fields." Yeah, I'm sure. Right before you killed the derned thing. These poor cows vegitate on the incredible grass of Switzerland. It's probably confusing to them--like "Oh, I must be so spoiled. This grass is so pure and beautifully clean." Yeah right, cow. They just want to keep you awake to kill you slowly. They get so spoiled by pure destination that it's like, they aren't going to put up some kind of fight. Almost, they feel indebted to their owner. Like "Yeah, I won't sleep. He gives me such good grass." "Yes, I'll wear this bell for you so you can keep track of me. Wow, you must really love me owner." B.S. he loves you. He just wants your meat to sell to some expenive, organic grocery store back in the states that will budget the price on increasing exponential amounts depending on the rate of swiss stock. Little do these cows know that their death is NOT some mysterious breakdown. The cow bells prevent sleep, and then, BAM, in a matter of weeks...or even days for the weaker ones...they are "somehow dead."

Hark! You are a cow! You are more than a beast of the field! You are more than my valued burger! Free yourself you cow! Free yourself from the manipulative belly of man! Free yourself! Shake off the reigns of the free market! Shake off your reign of bell slavery! Shake it cow! Shake it! And wander the fields of the hillside freely!

But no. There the cow stands, grazing lowly the hillside of the Alps. I went for a run yesterday with my new friend Bethany, along the swiss greens and grass superior, and I almost fell in cow dung. I looked up at a cow mooing and bell-ing right in front of me and though, "Kill the darned animal!" But then I saw his meager bell, and looked off to the gorging face of a dawned sun over the Alps glaring in front of me. I realized my selfishness and though, "LET THE POOR GUY LIVE." My heart broke for the poor guy.

I plan on reporting to PETA when I return.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

loved it. and you. keep them coming. oh, and in regards to your comment about falling in love with england and switzerland, it's truly addicting isn't it? i'm telling you be careful or you'll end up like me.