Thursday, May 15, 2008

Leaving Tomorrow.

Honestly, I have no idea how to use this thing or if it's even going to work...and honestly, no one may even read it. That's fine and dandy though. I suppose I'll just use this handy dandy little tool as a means to communicate thought and share (with myself....) what I'm learning. 
So, what am I learning today. It's about 8:14 on a Thursday night. I leave in less than 12 hours for L'abri. Plane goes shoop shoop shoop and straight to London, where I will stay in a hotel....alone...for the evening. I have to wake up in the morning and get to the airport 3 hours before my plane leaves on Saturday. This is bad. I forgot my vibrating alarm clock at Mizzou. A vibrating alarm clock. Yes. It's weird. It's actually a deaf person's alarm clock. How did I find it? Online. How do people find anything these days? We all subscribe to this crazy wavelength of communication energy called world wide web. 
Here's the issue. 
I've never traveled internationally before. For anyone who knows me, this could be bad. Very bad. Oh dear. 
My stomach is kind of churning as I think about waking up at 4:30am, checking bags all the way to London, layovers, transferring flights, changing money, finding cabs, paying for a bus ticket. I have a painfully strong feeling that something could go wrong, very wrong. 

Well local bloggers near and far, this will be quite an adventure. 

Here are my plans. Let's see how many of them come into fruition. 
I go to L'abri for three weeks in the good ole cheese heartland, home of chocolate, and fine young men. Switzerland. I will arrive on Saturday at about 6pm. 

Things I hope for:
Growth of experience 
A mountain adventure in the Alps
Interlaken Canyoning
Bread baking
Tea making
Coming home without stalkers, babies, or illegal traveling substances....such as but not limited to - bombs. In which case I would not still be living. Swiss army knifes are ok. As long as they are not pulled on me in a black and dark alley. Which, surely, I will not be in a black and dark alley. 

1 comment:

patton.andy said...

I was sitting around at Luke and Janet's house tonight at the subject of you traveling around Europe came up and someone said, "Hope she makes it there" and everyone kind of looked at each other and said, "yeah... me too." Ha. At least the name of the place you are going is a french word. You will at least be given shelter if that's the only word you use.
Happy you are going, can't wait to hear stories